All You Need To Know About Equity Crowdfunding On Wefunder

Wefunder was the largest crowdfunding platform in 2022 with nearly 40% of the market share in regulation crowdfunding and they are continuing to grow their community of investors. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you are thinking of raising capital for your company on Wefunder.

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Platform Fees

  • %7.5 performance fee of a >$5M raise.
  • $375K for Reg A+
  • Lead investor has to at least invest $5000 in the company


  • Very diversified into all fields
  • New focus on startups and CPG


  • You will need 2 years of financials in GAAP format and a CPA Review Statement/  Independent Auditor’s Report
  • Need a lead investor and reservations

Success & Sizing

  • Total, over $5 billion dollars of venture capital has been invested in companies first funded on Wefunder.
  • ~39% market share in 2022 in Reg CF raises


  • Here: Currently raising over $4.6M USD – $30M valuation cap
    • Investing in shares of vacation rentals 
  • World Tree: Raised over $3.5M USD – Female Founder
    • Eco-Timber That Offsets Your Carbon Footprint
  • Bud Love: Live raising over $1.8M USD
    • Leading the cannabis mixer revolution

General Notes

  • Will start to market on main page once – $50k reserved and lead investor identified
  • They drive traffic to the page with their own community and investors
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Ryin Nia

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